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Misdemeanor & Felony Charges

Misdemeanor And Felony Charges

i-misdemeanorandfelonychargesMost people know that some criminal offenses are misdemeanors and more serious crimes are charged as felonies. Beyond that basic principle, any assumptions about the consequences of an arrest in Illinois are dangerous. The Illinois Criminal Code is complex and multilayered. Every year, new statutes are passed or new sentencing issues are passed.

Quality Information And Sound Advice From Trial-Proven Defense Attorneys

At Self & Russelburg, LTD., a law firm with offices in Yorkville and Aurora, we defend people facing criminal charges at all levels of seriousness, from DUI and traffic cases to murder allegations. Our lawyers bring invaluable perspective from a collective 50-plus years in negotiations and many trials.

In each case, we emphasize open, clear communication with our client. In order to make informed decisions about your criminal defense, you must first understand how the charges against you are classified and all applicable penalties under the law. Considerations include:

  • Misdemeanor offenses may be Class A, Class B or Class C, with a Class A offense being the most serious. Essentially, punishment may include up to a year in county jail, a fine up to $2,500 and probation.
  • Felony crimes are charged as Class X, 1, 2, 3, 4 felony offenses, with Class X offenses being the most serious. You may be facing a state prison term from one to 30 years based on the class of offense. Extended terms could allow even longer terms of imprisonment, as well as fines up to $250,000 and an array of other consequences, including forfeiture of your right to own a firearm.
  • Judges have broad latitude to extend prison terms under certain circumstances, including the existence of certain prior convictions on the defendant’s record.

If you have been charged with a felony or misdemeanor — or you want to help a family member facing criminal prosecution in Kendall County, Kane County or anywhere in our service area — we are here to help you make informed decisions. Our firm’s strengths extend across a broad spectrum from felony DUI and property crimes to domestic battery, sex offenses, juvenile crimes and more.

Call 630-553-4567 or 630-897-5553 As Soon As Possible

Quality felony and misdemeanor charge defense is one call or email away for you. If your future is on the line, our knowledge and experience could well make the difference.

