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Illinois DUI Issues

i-illinoisduiissuesBy now, most Illinois residents should be aware that Illinois DUI laws are complex and a conviction can have significant effects on a person’s day-to-day life. Illinois has adopted enhanced penalties for certain types of offenses, including mandatory jail sentences and the possible result of having your vehicle forfeited to the state. Illinois law prevents a person from receiving court supervision if the person has, at anytime in his or her life, previously received court supervision for DUI.

Simply stated, absolutely any charge of driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol, an illegal substance or prescription medication is a very serious charge. If you or a family member has been arrested for DUI at any level, you should consult an experienced lawyer as soon as you possibly can.

Rigorous Analysis Of Your Case And Viable Defense Strategies

Highly experienced DUI defense attorneys at Self & Russelburg, LTD., provide focused, determined representation of accused DUI offenders throughout Kendall County, Kane County, DuPage County, Grundy County, LaSalle County, DeKalb County and other counties across a broad service area. We have in-depth knowledge of all relevant laws, DUI consequences and the many issues in Illinois DUI cases. At our firm, you can count on rigorous analysis of all aspects of your case, including:

  • Whether you were subjected to an illegal DUI stop
  • Whether the officer had “probable cause” to arrest you
  • Whether the statutory summary suspension of your driver’s license can be rescinded based on a variety of issues
  • Whether the state has sufficient evidence to prove its case against you

Representation Tailored To Your Personal Concerns And Priorities

The best approach to your defense will depend on a range of factors such as:

  • The severity of the penalties you are facing, which will depend on whether you are charged with misdemeanor or felony DUI, your prior record and various other considerations
  • The precise review and evaluations of your driving, your performance on any field sobriety tests, and the results of any and all chemical tests performed (or your refusal to submit to chemical testing), and any statements made during the investigation
  • Your specific priorities involving your driving privilege and the likely impact of a DUI conviction on your career or educational prospects

Call 630-553-4567 or 630-897-5553 For Prompt, Informed Counsel

Christopher V. Russelburg — a former Cook County prosecutor who previously prosecuted persons arrested and charged with DUI — and his partner, Bruce A. Self, a veteran of more than 35 years in Illinois criminal courts, collaborate to ensure our clients make informed decisions and receive the utmost in skilled defense of their DUI arrest or charges. For a consultation, call or email us right now.

